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Bio Schwarzkümmelöl

Camelina Oil 250ml


All Prices incl. VAT + €4,90 for delivery in Germany and €9,90 to Austria. Over €35,00 free delivery in Germany and Austria

  • Our Black Cumin Oil Production

    We buy our black cumin seeds (Nigella Sativa) only from Egypt. We believe seeds from other countries may not have the same effect on our bodies. Our seeds are always cold pressed (meaning the seeds are not heated before the pressing process). For Pamath it is much more important the oil outlet temperature remains below 37 degrees. The high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids makes the oil particularly beneficial.

    - Native

    - Vegan

    - Seeds from Egypt (original)

    - Gentle pressing process

    - Unfiltered

    - Oil from one press only

  • Durschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100g

    Energie : 3700 kJ / 900 kcal

        Fett: 100 Gramm

        Davon gesättigte Fettsäure 12 Gramm

        Einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 55 Gramm

        Mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 33 Gramm 

        Kohlenhydrate     0 g

        Davon                 0 g    

        Zucker                0 g    

        Eiweiß                 0 g

        Salz                     0 g

     -          Kühl lagern und nach dem Öffnen zeitnah verbrauchen

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